I do understand where everyone is coming from...especially after the initial resentment and mother hen instinct has worn off. My hackles are out when this kind of thing arises, and I do kind of still think, (for a free library event, at least) it's a little...I don't know, discriminating? (for lack of a better word). At least, it feels that way to us, though I understand that the social aspect might be the more pressing issue (even though I was told originally that the material would be the issue).

Sigh. I guess we will see what happens. Either way, I think that both points of view have validity - and honestly, it's a little unfair either way the chips fall. It's just so hard dealing with this kind of asynchrony WITHOUT having to butt heads over the little stuff...like free library classes...and makes me anxious about dealing with the stuff that DOES matter, like school, etc.

@Madoosa, that's not a bad idea, starting my own library event...I'm not sure how it works, if I would be allowed, or if anyone would be interested in actually coming to it...but it's certainly worth investigating.

I'll let you know how it pans out. Thanks, as always, for your support/perspective.