So, at our local library, we found an event on their calendar called "Math is fun!" designed for 2nd-4th grade. DS4, our resident math-head (who is probably mid 3rd grade math, with ability in higher grades as well, for some of the topics) got very excited, and so we signed him up, writing a little note at the bottom mentioning that he was 4 but that he is advanced and the material would not be a problem for him.

Needless to say, we got an email back from the library, saying that the teacher running the club was "certain" that the material would not be appropriate, regardless of how advanced he was. (Interesting that she knows that without meeting him, no?) and here are some things that are 'age-appropriate'. So I called the library and spoke to the woman who emailed me, and tried to explain the situation. She sort of sympathized, but didn't seem to exactly believe me, and compared DS to "a lot of other kids around, that come looking for this sort of thing" (where are these kids? if there are so many highly gifted kids around that I don't know about, please show me them! I want playdates!) she also said that she didn't want to make the teacher uncomfortable, worried about maturity level etc - to which I replied that he should be fine, but even if he is not, and starts bouncing off the walls/being a distraction, whatever, we would just leave, and spend the rest of the time in the main part of the library. I wouldn't keep him in there if it wasn't working or if he was being a menace (who would?) So SHE said she would email the teacher and tell her this, and see what her concerns were, and then get back to me.

Frankly, I am not optimistic, just based on the initial response. I also don't know how a 4 year in the class would make someone 'uncomfortable'. I am not about to let him ruin the class...I don't know what she thinks would happen. But either way, I am just upset at the reaction, and I do not relish the thought of having to tell DS that we aren't able to go to the math club anymore because he is 'too young', regardless of ability. It just doesn't seem fair.

I'm not sure if there is anything else I can do, besides what I have already done, so I think this is mostly just to express my distaste of the whole situation.

I'm sure many of you have been in this boat before...but if you haven't, it sucks.