I'll just add this here, since it's one of the most cogent bits I've seen recently on the subject:


Much of that applies as much to sororities as fraternities, at least on co-ed campuses, I'm sorry to say.

My cynical observation about sororities is that they exist mainly to provide "dates" (or date-rape targets, anyway) to fraternity row. From the sorority side, they seem to exist mostly to provide better housing and food, and 'staff' to princess types whilst they seek MRS. degrees.

Like I said, I'm willing to be convinced that this isn't so, but it's not been my observation.

DH is much more open to this than I am.

Which is weird-- because he is the one who is all squicky about her even going OUT with a classmate that she knows well and who is well aware of how old SHE is...

My feeling is that the question "Should I do rush week and pledge a sorority?" needs to be answered as follows;

Sure, honey! Let's get you a tramp-stamp and some plastic surgery for graduation, while we're at it.


[Sorry if my views on this are offensive to anyone who is or has been a part of Greek life-- I've admitted that my experience and opinions are anecdotal, and as such, may well be idiosyncratic or non-representative. It's why I asked.]

Last edited by HowlerKarma; 04/09/14 08:30 AM.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.