What are her expectations of Greek life? Can you help her manage her expectations, tempering them with reality? Are there any Greek organizations which may be a better "fit" than others? Other than Greek life, are there options for incoming freshmen in the Honors program to meet each other? Is there an event specifically for Presidential Scholars?

What am I missing?
Based upon discussion threads on this forum, you may be missing a recollection of several previous posts about topics ranging from flexing kiddo's environment to accommodate asynchrony, to kiddo's preference for socializing with younger kids, to kiddo's boyfriends/girlfriend. You may be also be missing consistency, posting extremes of praising kiddo's maturity Versus concern about kiddo's potential decisions as a college student. Not criticizing, many parents have been there.

The decision may ultimately be about kiddo taking responsibility for herself and her ability to choose wisely, ensuring she has found a clear way to navigate out of a situation before getting herself into it. The decision may be equally about protecting your child, protecting the older students she may come in contact with, and protecting the institution which has admitted/enrolled her.

Personal proclivities aside, how would kiddo ensure no contact with peanut in the Greek life? Although you touched on this in posing your question, this may be an important topic with which to open a conversation with your kiddo.