Parasites aren't all bad!!! smile Parasites set up an immunosuppressive environment in the gut hence very low incidence of IBD, Crohn's disease and asthma in 3rd world countries. Also, our clean hygiene results in a relatively naive immune system which in it's quest to find antigens to react against, end up finding dust mites, food antigens to react against.

Perhaps the link is correlative ... parents with higher IQs, being more knowledgeable/persistent in good hygiene, pass this on to their kids hence an increase in asthma in this population.

I never forget the look on my friend's face when my baby's pacifier fell on the floor and I gave it back to him. She commented "you're not going to sterilize that?" I said, "No, that's what immune systems are for." Ha Ha Ha. Now, I should add that it was in my own house and he was over 6months old. When they are very little, I am more careful about what goes in their mouth.

Last edited by Dazed&Confuzed; 06/25/08 10:07 AM.