Originally Posted by ebeth
I've even gone round and round with doctors who tell me that true dairy allergy is very rare ...

Oh, boy... I've had the same conversation with my DD's pediatrician. Even though her first bite of dairy containing food caused facial swelling, hives, screaming and vomiting (she was 5 months old) he told me that "true dairy allergies are very rare." And advised me to try feeding it to her again in a couple of weeks. Well, I was afraid to try! After seeing her claw at her gums until they bled, I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I took her to an allergist for a second opinion. And yes, she tested positive for dairy, egg and peanut.

Ever since then, when a doctor tells me, "It's not X because X is very rare," I am immediately suspicious. It's really not a good argument for eliminating a diagnosis.