Just a quick non-scientific anecdote. I've found people and especially children seem to have higher compensating skills the more intelligent they are. Both my own girls have an issue or two that are "borderline"... I would say the symptoms are more borderline than the underlying cause actually is. They are both amazing compensators and are both extremely bright.
I think things get missed for some children who are superbright because they compensate so well.
My pediatrician recommends intervention when there is a diagnosable issue AND it is has to be somewhat problematic.
Example: DD8 cannot ride a bike or tie her shoes. We didn't get the scrip for eval until she became embarrassed about it. She has a mild swallowing issue which she has had therapy for when younger, but it is still a mild issue. Since there is no choking or aspiration issues he says, "just go ahead and let her drink from a straw the rest of her life. I have patients her age with feeding tubes so the straw is not the worst case". A little harsh, but somewhat sensical. I think they see a very high compensating kid and aren't as compelled to intervene with therapy. At least that's what I've seen, but maybe we have a bad pediatrician.

Last edited by incogneato; 06/19/08 05:54 AM. Reason: I can deal with spelling, but the grammar? Oh the horror!