Or just a sensible one...I tend to think we're pretty quick as a culture to want a diagnosed label.

That's not to say that all labels are bad or that there aren't some kids who need intervention and get missed. Both are true sometimes. I think Greenpalm should seek help from someone who knows more than we do, and I have great sympathy for what Lorel has been through. I agree with what Lorel has written about the benefits of evaluation. In short, if your "Mom spidey-sense" is tingling, then I am 100% convinced that you should act to get professional help. You just should. Moms know. Trust that. See an expert.

But as a culture, in general, I think people have become much more comfortable with diagnosing and much less comfortable with quirks, and I find that troubling.

I'm with your doctor, 'Neato, if it is quirky but not problematic, then why meddle? Sometimes the fix is worse than the quirk. And why does everyone have to be the same anyway? When did we vote on that? I like quirky!
