Originally Posted by Pemberley
OK now the next step that some here may disagree with: if it is supposed to be scribed and it isn't he does not do the assignment. Period. No asking for it. No reminding them. If his hand hurts he stops.

I agree with this in theory, but it's really tricky to actually accomplish this with an early elementary student. My ds, for instance, wanted to do what his teachers told him to do. If they told him to write and didn't provide his AT, he didn't argue with them. He knew inside his head he was supposed to have his AT but he didn't want to go against what an adult told him to do - even though he knew what his parents had told him to do.

Same kind of thing happened with my dd who has anaphylactic allergies. She had medicine in the nurses office at school and a clear set of medical directions from the dr re when to administer. The dr's form clearly stated that if she had hives she should be given her antihistamine (no calls to parent, no nothing, administer antihistamine immediately). I found out *months* later that what usually happened when she had hives was she would ask to go to the nurses office, and then the nurse (the person in charge of her medical needs who had access to her paperwork and new danged well what it said)... would routinely tell her "OK, but we don't know that it's really an allergic reaction. Go back to class for 20 minutes and if it's still bumpy then, come back and you can have your medicine". DD never went back - she got the message loud and clear, the nurse didn't care. DD didn't want to rock any boats. And because she was very young, she didn't realize she could come home, tell me, and I'd be at school the very next day throwing a fit over it all and making sure she got her meds the next time she needed them. So she didn't tell me.

Now that she's almost a teenager, she's much better at understanding the big picture and advocating for herself at school and at home wink But in early elementary, most children still want to do what the teacher says - even if it's not the right thing to do and even if it causes them pain and frustration.


Last edited by polarbear; 02/20/14 12:22 PM.