I am concerned about Irena's DS having to ask for the accommodation let alone having him be the one to document it not occurring. All sorts of bad scenarios are running through my head...

When they denied it was happening with my DD we made an appointment with DD's 2 biggest supporters on the IEP team. They first said they wanted a meeting with the whole team and I said it was not my intention to embarrass the teacher in front of her colleagues but if they refused to meet with us I would have no choice. After allowing them the opportunity to deny it was happening I brought out 2 piles of papers. One done while para was in the room and one done when she was out. The difference was striking. I then asked them to point to a single example of the work being modified or DD's disabilities being accommodated on these examples. That was it - they knew we had the proof. At the next IEP meeting these 2 requested that DD be assigned a full time para.

The IEP has to be *crystal* clear though so there is no dispute about *when* to accommodate. Your DS should NOT have to ask for this. In our case we got to the point of saying "no near or far point copying tasks" and DD "may write a maximum of 2 sentences herself". Anything more than this had to be scribed or completed outside the classroom with the OT, spec ED teacher or in the resource room with the para. Again it was crystal clear - a copying task in DD's handwriting was a clear violation. More than 2 sentences in her handwriting without signatures from OT, spec Ed teacher or para (with a written remark about where it occurred) was a clear violation. No individual complaints just crystal clear message to them that their IEP violations were being documented.

It is tough but you have to remove emotion from this part. A clear IEP with *very* specific guidelines is needed. I can't emphasize this enough. If something is left to opinion, interpretation or emotion you will just be spinning your wheels.