Originally Posted by Pemberley
Parents with IEP's are the only ones who can make specific demands or have any hope of getting the district to pay for another setting.

He has an IEP.

Originally Posted by Pemberley
You can't just say you are not happy or want things done a different way. There has to be documentation that he has specific needs that are not being met. He is not entitled to a perfect education or even an outstanding education.

Well, I am not doing that. I am not merely unhappy or "just want something done differently." He has a documented specific need. He has Ehlers Danlos and dysgraphia. It's documented. Well documented. He also has an anxiety diagnosis. And yet he gets denied his scribing or keyboarding accommodations by certain teachers. Some teachers (there seems to be at least one every year) seem very reluctant for some reason to allow him to type or to get him a scribe. I am just wondering how long this gets to go on? And what can I do if this continues as a pattern? What is my recourse when I have medical documentation that he needs certain writing accommodations, he has an IEP that clearly spells out what accommodations he is to get and he gets denied them several times over the year, or discouraged from accessing them?

I do have another school in mind. It is private and expensive. It is specifically for kids like DS. I don't think we could afford it unless we got OOD.

It's not like I just bring this up because I have nothing else to do or something. I just can't imagine my child going on like this year after year - it's demoralizing frown

Last edited by Irena; 02/19/14 06:28 PM.