I don't have any experience with OOD placement - what does your attorney have to say about it? Is there a good school option that you've identified? Are there any other options within your district? When we were working with our advocate, she was able to give us advice on which in-district schools were invested in doing the right thing for sped kids and which schools (like the one we were in) were going to be like hitting a brick-wall head on for the entire time we were there.

Originally Posted by Irena
I don't know. I really do not want him to have to go somewhere else but this school is just so frustrating.

I understand not wanting your ds to not have to go somewhere else, but I suspect he'll be *much* happier if you do find a different school for him. As I've mentioned here before, by the time our ds was in 4th/5th grade he was very aware that he needed help and accommodations and he was very aware that the school wasn't giving him what he needed and what he had an IEP set up in place to provide. I never ever talked to him about the difficulties I was having in advocating, but he was experiencing them first hand as the student who had needs that weren't being met. So by 5th grade *he* wanted to change schools. I can't tell you how much better life was once we were in a school where the teachers had respect of the students needs, where they listened to parents and where they were honest about what they could and couldn't do in the classroom (as well as being open and transparent with what they did do, and who followed through with requests from us to try accommodations etc).

It sounds like you're at the place where you are spending a huge amount of time and effort advocating, and you're not making equitable progress. You're at the point I'd jump ship. If you go for OOD placement, keep documenting.

Wishing you the best!
