Originally Posted by Pemberley
I am concerned about Irena's DS having to ask for the accommodation let alone having him be the one to document it not occurring. All sorts of bad scenarios are running through my head...

Yes, no offense to Sweetie but her suggestion is actually a horrible idea for a small child who has disabilities to have to ask AND document. I can't even go into all of the ways that such an idea is just a really bad one. School is already stressful enough for him . He already has and anxiety disorder from dealing with the adults in school who fight and moan and have otherwise been VERY bothered by the fact that he was born with a disability that is slightly inconvenient for them and that they do not understand. And I think people forget how intimidated a child can feel in the presence of teachers and all of the authority figures at school. No. That is a super bad idea.

Originally Posted by Pemberley
The IEP has to be *crystal* clear though so there is no dispute about *when* to accommodate. Your DS should NOT have to ask for this. In our case we got to the point of saying "no near or far point copying tasks" and DD "may write a maximum of 2 sentences herself". Anything more than this had to be scribed or completed outside the classroom with the OT, spec ED teacher or in the resource room with the para.

Yes. I accomplished this finally at the end of last year. It was a long drawn out veritable battle that many here saw me through. I did ultimately hire a lawyer. DS now has a CRYSTAL clear IEP. And, yes, there was also a battle over whether or not he needs to ask, which I won ... in theory ... However, as you can see, he still needs to ask. That isn't even my problem. Now that he has enough guts to ask, they take it a step further and deny him. Make him ask repeatedly. Make it difficult. Are reluctant so that he feels like he is bothering them or going to be in trouble, Because SOME TEACHERS are just not happy that he is bothering their day with his disability. He had to practically beg this teacher to allow him to type his spelling words rather than write. Really, how is that such a big bother to her?

Last edited by Irena; 02/20/14 09:48 AM.