Thanks, Blackcat!I'm not ruling it out (I may wait on getting an eval though)... I was just wondering if those actions would still be considered ADHD symptoms in light of the context and DS's reasoning. I guess just for my own personal assessment and it also goes to whether we should proceed with the eval with this particular teacher having so much input. Incidentally, DS did one of those computer tests and did fine. I know they are simply a diagnostic tool and not the end all be all, of course... I also *think*, not entirely sure, the computer test is a little more sensitive to or measuring impulsiveness rather than inattention? I can't remember ... I thought that is what I read or was told. But, anyway, he did fine at least that day that he was tested.

So, wish me luck today ... going in to do the roommom thing for the holiday party and I am afraid I'm gonna get 'called to the principal's office' and be 'in trouble.' I have been giving DS books from home to read at hundred book challenge independent reading time. He is above the level they put him on back in September (double-red) but are not moving him up for some reason (I think they just haven't tested him yet - I think they only do the DRAs at certain times of the year). Anyway, I put a double-red tag on his latest book so he could read it at independent reading time without getting told on by classmates that "he is reading above his level" or "from a non-hundred book challenge book." The book is indeed well above the double-red level and not a hundred book challenge book (it's "Sixty-Eight Rooms"). Anyway, teacher asked him to bring his book up to her this past week, and looked at it, commented on how it seemed a pretty high level book, and, then, asked him to read it to her. He read about two pages to her. She told him he did a good job and to enjoy the book. But I am totally busted now!!! So, not only do I have to deal with the catty moms today but I'll probably be chastised for supporting and abetting insubordination (principal will have someone watch for me and then have them bring me out - that's how he rolls LOL... at least with me). No wonder DS got "always disobeys" on his BASC form. LOL.

Last edited by Irena; 12/20/13 09:42 AM.