Originally Posted by Loy58
One of my DC is the type that most teachers LOVE, and the other produces extreme reactions - they either "get" DC or they DON'T. A couple of teachers have LOVED DC, because they "get" DC. If they don't "get" DC, I have to brace myself. DC is extremely intense, so DC is not everyone's cup of tea (and DC is not always easy to deal with at home, either - NOT easy-going).

I have the EXACT same situation. DS8, the one at issue in this thread, is intense and creative and some people get him and some don't. He is wicked smart and seems to produce extreme reactions. Most teachers seem to hate it. A few love it and have loved him but it takes a special person to truly appreciate him. However, having said that, he's not out of control or anything. My younger one is adorable and never argues (with teachers, with me he argues plenty LOL). He seems like rules and is blond-haired and blue eyed and a charmer. He really knows how to charm. He is not extremely verbal like DS8 and is very easy going. And his excutive functioning skils are fantastic. I am repeatedly told that he is an "absolute joy" to have in the classroom.