Originally Posted by master of none
Originally Posted by epoh
This sort of reminds me of my son's previous school... one of teachers (not his teacher, but same grade - taught across the hall from his class) sometimes helped w/him and loudly proclaimed my son to be violent! Every interaction she had with him somehow seemed to involve my son hitting or kicking her! I was floored. Never had heard a single complaint of that sort about him before. His teacher rated him crazy, off the scale on all of her behavioral assessments for him as well. The school psychologist came in and did his eval and then said he was "emotionally disturbed". Aaannnd... then we abandoned ship for the charter school.

Oh Geez. I once had a student in our special out of district private school placement who was referred for throwing chairs and desks at the teacher. Really? This kid had a genetic disorder that made him really weak and clumsy, and he fell frequently due to balance issues. He was lucky to lift his backpack, much less throw a chair at the teacher.

But, it did get him the placement his parents wanted so it was good from that view. Still, we wondered how in the heck he did anything but accidentally knock over a chair during a fall. This kid was totally nonviolent, sweet kid.

LOL, my DS fits that description and the image of him throwing a desk at a teacher made me giggle.

I think with these evals the person scoring them is supposed to look and make sure responses are consistent between raters and that they are not overly negative or positive. Perhaps that is why they use the words "never" or "always" to try to trick people a little. For the eval the school did both the teacher and I filled out the BRIEF for executive functioning and the psych put both our scores on a graph and we could see that they were pretty consistent with each other with minor variations because DS is a bit different at home than in school. She wrote in the report that neither one of us was overly negative or positive and that our responses were consistent. Just saying that to try to make you feel better Irena--hopefully the teacher's ratings will be shown to be invalid because they are overly negative.