Hugs - and understand that this teacher just may be a HORRIBLE fit for your DS. I realized when one of my DC was in pre-K that I was really going to have to watch teacher matches for this child. One of my DC is the type that most teachers LOVE, and the other produces extreme reactions - they either "get" DC or they DON'T. A couple of teachers have LOVED DC, because they "get" DC. If they don't "get" DC, I have to brace myself. DC is extremely intense, so DC is not everyone's cup of tea (and DC is not always easy to deal with at home, either - NOT easy-going). I ALWAYS carefully and thoroughly fill out requests for parent input on "placement forms" for school. One year, I even met with the school principal to ensure a good fit for the coming year (and that was DC's best teacher and best year yet, IMO).

I would probably need to stay away from that teacher for a while to "cool off." When it comes to your DC, it feels very personal.

Also, a teacher that truly loves children and is skilled will recognize the STRENGTHS in every child, as well as any areas that need improvement. Teachers are of course, are human, and will have an easier time with some students than others. I would be skeptical of any teacher, however, that had nothing good to say about a child. Such a teacher is not only a poor match, but perhaps should not be working with young children.

You know your DC best. Focus on your DS's strengths - remind yourself of them now and do NOT let the teacher evaluation impact your view of your DC. Your DS may simply need more careful teacher selection in the future.

Sending support...