@Polly your ds sounds a lot like mine! This has been a rough week. Things run in trends.

The big issue is the school doesn't understand nor has time for non-compliance. He has been on Parent Contact twice this week which warrants discipline at home. We are focusing on good choices/bad choices and WHY we share and use kind words. School and everyone wants to force him to comply and the clip chart does nothing. Stoping to address why he is misbehaving and why it makes other feel bad etc would work better. You can't force this kid to comply he has a backbone of steel. He isn't always empathetic but can be when he wants to be. I have to appeal to the empathy and not try to force him, let him accept the consequences.

But public schools are very misinformed about gifted traits. Simply realizing the cause of his behavior would help greatly!!

Thanks Polly for sharing. It is encouraging to me. I feel like we are finding the middle of the road. I won't shame or berate my child to conform. His low self esteem stems from their projected feelings concerning his defiance. I don't approve of what he always does, but i don't approve of their choices always either.