Sticker and stoplight charts were a miserable failure for teachers who tried them with DS last year. My strong suspicion is that they were merely guidelines that he used to determine what he could get away with or whether the punishment was enough to change what he wanted to do... not exactly the intended result.

We had more success appealing to his desire to fit in, be respected by others not only for knowing the answer, but for following classroom rules so that others could also learn, so the teacher appreciated all the good things about him instead of being frustrated all day, etc. We acknowledged that some things were indeed repetitive and B.O.R.I.N.G., and told him we were working to try to improve that, but that if he didn't follow classroom rules, he might be stuck because the teachers wouldn't believe he could do more if he was constantly goofing around.

It worked, even in a bad school environment, but we were very much working to get him the heck out of there, too.