Originally Posted by polarbear
I don't really have any good advice for you - we've been lucky (I suppose lol!) that our strong-willed child's behavioral stubbornness surfaces only at home lol. FWIW, only one of the teachers my kids had in early elementary used sticker-type charts for behavior and honestly, it seemed destined to be a total disaster for almost all the kids!

There is one thing I would suggest though -

Originally Posted by hnz1979
We will be advocating switching DS from Art to another teachers class that hour. If he is horrible in art and bored teach him Spanish - that's what he wants to learn.

I realize he's young and empathize with being stuck in a class he doesn't like, but fwiw, I woudn't pull him from art, for a number of reasons. First, I think there is value in sending our children to art even when they aren't good at it and/or don't like it. Good reasons both from an education point of view and also from the point of view of teaching our kids that we don't get to pick and choose how we spend every minute of our day. If he loves Spanish and wants to learn more Spanish, find ways to add in more Spanish, but not at the expense of saying "hey, you don't have to do something else that's part of the day just because you don't like it." Please note, I'm guessing here that art is something all the kids in his class go to - if it's not, and all the kids have the option of choosing either art or Spanish or something else, that's ok to switch! I just think that if the full class has art as part of their schedule, I would continue to send him to art and I'd encourage him to be respectful and I would share with him things I would find valuable about the experience.


Inclined to agree. Art is what? Once a week? Unless the Choice is art or Spanish sending him the message he can opt out of things he doesn't like could cause problems. If he has art skills on a gifted level that is different and he needs more advanced stuff but not just because he would prefer to be doing something else.