Even some students at residential universities are watching videos instead of live lectures, as materials created for online courses are used in regular classes, as described in this article:

The Harvard Classroom, Digitized
Harvard Crimson
October 31, 2013

Some students do not like the virtual classes, but the comment by "Mary Smith" at the site suggests that many live classes are
being ruined by distracted students:

If it did not appear that the average undergraduate lecture audience has become mute over the past decade, and if anyone sitting in the back of the hall was not subject to all of the folks clicking away on their Macbook pro's open to Facebook during the entirety of every lecture, there might not be a need to push folks to prepare for class via the online realm. I've visited lectures where exasperated TF's exhort the mute learners "come on people" to answer at least one of the professor's queries to the room with something besides silence. If you do not like Ed Ex style, then perhaps it is time to insert a more Socratic environment across the board, and assign grades accordingly. Turn off your MacBook/Facebook, take notes with pen and paper, and try attending your lectures by "being here, now" so that you may engage with the Professors who are beginning to look like failures for your apparent disinterest in the classroom environment. It is clearly a waste if you fail to even subtly ingest the plethora of images slides and other multimedia strategies, which faculty are trying to plant by force and repetition into your utterly socially connected nervous systems. Failing that, there would be no reason whatsoever to roll back the Ed Ex roll out to you and the rest of your mute peers.