But still-- how many people extolling that particular virtue (you can watch it over and over!) truly understand that this makes the video no different, in reality, than a textbook, which may also be read again and again?

I'm guessing that relatively few people have TRIED learning completely from canned video for any length of time. Trust me-- it's NOT a good idea.

Why not? Well, because the video can't answer questions.

I've watched this part four times. I'm just not understanding why you chose to do step 2 this way.

With a live teacher, that question is answered immediately. With a video, the misunderstanding may derail learning for a LONG time.

BTDT, got the teeshirt. This is why I say that I know that my DD isn't an autodidact. Sometimes she can figure this kind of thing out-- but more often than not, it takes a live expert.

Why not just skip to the chase and do that part FIRST, rather than disconnecting the real learning in favor of passive exposure ahead of time?

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.