Originally Posted by Sweetie
But many times in my career as a student I felt like I was one of the few who came to class having read the material that was asked to be read (speaking of undergrad and graduate school college level here). I assume many people read the book but not necessarily on the time schedule requested. If you asked students to read the material AND watch a lecture before class...I can only imagine that I there would be even less who had done the all the prep work.

That's what I think, too.

I occasionally teased my students that if they walked out of the local Borders having just dropped $100 on a book, not a one of them would wait until they even got it HOME to crack it open... wink

I knew that only about half of them read the text. Or did any other kind of preparation for coming to class, quite frankly.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.