I still forget my head sometimes!!! (ok, not really... but...)

FWIW, out of my three kiddos, one has a 2e challenge which organization *was* a huge part of - he was doing things like you mentioned all the time at 6 (and even at 9-10), but he was clearly disorganized in other areas too. We heard a *lot* of feedback from his teachers starting around 2nd grade that he had organizational challenges. At 6, we heard nothing from his teachers - not because he *wasn't* challenged with organization, but because every other 6 year old was too - totally developmentally typical.

My dds are not 2e (with respect to organization). My older dd is not the most organized kid ever, but I'd say she's relatively typical. Remembering lunchbox, backpack, turning in homework etc started happening for her regularly around 2nd-3rd grade. My youngest dd is eerily uber-organized - I'd go out there on a ledge and suggest she's teetering on PG with respect to organization. Even for her the regular remembering and not getting lost in other thoughts etc didn't really happen until around 2nd grade. She's in 4th now, and she's clearly an outlier with this one particular skill area compared to her classmates.

I also think you'll see clues to this in most teacher's classrooms at 6 too - communication via weekly folders, notes from teachers that spell out everything that a child needs to bring to school rather than having the kids remember or copy from the board etc.

So hang in there - chances are this will all go away in just a few years!
