Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
Does anyone have an idea of what is wrong with him?

Yeah-- he's six. wink

Honestly-- even teenagers do stuff like this with some regularity. It's because they are still getting used to the cognitive controls, that's all.

This is why children lack certain rights and responsibilities under the law until they are a lot older. They're pretty flaky until the executive development is complete, and with HG+ kids, that's not until their mid-20's, it seems.
Well into the 20th century it was common for young Americans to find jobs and get married in their late teens and early twenties. There are countries today where if you want to be a doctor, you take the pre-med courses during the equivalent of our 11th and 12th grades and then take a competitive entrance exam for medical school. To some extent, children will grow up faster if they allowed and encouraged to do so.