My husband and I need some advice.

Our son, (6.7) has had an ongoing problem with selective hearing loss. Or so it seems. Maybe he has auditory processing disorder or something, we don't know.

The problem is summed up nicely by an example from this morning at school drop-off:

DS' backpack had a note in it that needed to be given to the teacher today. I attached it to his vocabulary notebook (that was supposed to be returned yesterday, but he forgot) and told him when he gets into class, to give the notebook and note to his teacher. I even opened his backpack and showed it to him. He looked as if he was paying attention and so I put it back and quizzed him, "Now what are you supposed to do first thing when you get into class?" He answered give the teacher his note and vocab book.

Well, not one minute later, he's out of the car and just walking off. Leaving his backpack and lunch on the front seat where it always is. He gets about twenty feet away from me and turns around and waves goodbye. I say, "What is WRONG with this picture??!!" He just hesitated. I said, "What did you forget?"

Only then did he realize he didn't have his backpack and lunch.

He's been in school since the first part of September and the routine is the same every morning, so it's not like he didn't know to put on his backpack and take his lunch.

My husband thinks he was so busy in his head trying to remember to give his teacher the note/notebook that he forgot the backpack it was in.

This is a classic example of what we deal with off-and-on with him. We give him instruction and it's really like "in one ear, and out the other" without making contact with his brain.

Does anyone have an idea of what is wrong with him? Is it just immaturity? We thought he would have outgrown this by now. We're concerned he is missing important instructions in class and not telling us he needs to bring in things. Like his reading minutes log, for instance-of which on his progress report the teacher gave him a fat zero when he has in fact logged in over 600 minutes so far! I sent that today, too. frown