Beyond the age part, absent-minded professor is an archetype because it exists. I think there is a mixed blessing in the configuration of some gifted brains, where it can be 100% on focus on a single task. So anything being reinforced in short-term memory is at risk once they've turned their exclusive attention to something else. Also that 100% flow state is an enjoyable place, so may take longer to balance out for someone wired that way.

I was thinking about the term executive function, and how often I see C level executives with executive secretaries. They are inseparable, because the executive is 100% on game running the company. Schedules, appointments, timelines, briefcases, anniversary presents are the domain of the person 100% on game in managing a wide range of interrupt and time-based functions.

For some kids they have great executive function in what they've specialized in, but what they really need to develop is their executive secretarial function.

Somewhat ironically, teachers seem to have the same issue in reverse.