Originally Posted by Old Dad
The fact that Mrs. T won't inform you of the topic of the meeting supports the idea that she has control issues. By not allowing you to prepare and have prior knowledge of the subject matter. she controls knowledge and well thought out reply once the meeting does come about.

Agreed. I forced her hand though. I told her I needed to know before I would consent to attend (not in those words, though). Then I changed the meeting date to mix things up a bit and to suit my own very crazy schedule (job + kitchen remodel + kids = chaos).

Here's a good one: she doesn't want the parents to help their kids at all. This especially means we aren't supposed to explain things. She was explicit on these points at back-to-school night and in class with the kids. This has to be a new one in the annals of education. I mean, don't people shout from the rooftops that parental involvement is on of the MOST IMPORTANT FACTORS in a child's success?

So, control issues? Most definitely.