Being highly OCD and a teacher-pleaser, myself, I would probably have thrived in the atmosphere of "name goes on this line, date goes on this line, answer goes on this line, use this kind of paper", though if the teacher's method of solving the problems went against mine, it might have caused some friction. If one can internalize all the rules and reliably follow them, this kind of teacher can be like taking candy from babies. But I shudder to think what my DS would do in that class. There is zero percent chance that he would ever get anything higher than a zero, even if he knew all the answers off the top of his head. I would have to pull him, no doubt about it.

The fact that you are looking at four years of this teacher and she is already against your DD pretty much says to me that you MUST find another option -- online math or something. It's just not going to work.

And yes, teaching 5th graders to take notes on lectures is a fine idea, but expecting them to have already been taught, in her own personal anal method, is insane. And taking lecture notes in a math class seems fairly useless.

DS is in 7th grade (though 5th grade age) and it's still a miracle if he manages to write down homework assignments. He lost his sports picture check twice yesterday -- DH had to take it to him at practice, and then he misplaced it again before he managed to find it and turn it in. Expecting lecture notes from him would be akin to expecting him to flap his wings and fly home.