Thanks for all the great advice. These comments have really helped reduce my stress levels.

I agree that she's a passion killer, but suspect that she doesn't know it. TBH, I think she's being driven by more than just personality traits. Which makes her behavior less a choice than it might otherwise be, if you see what I mean. But I don't know. I'm only hypothesizing based on what I've seen of her and how she speaks (e.g. she told the parents that although the other teachers will answer emails if we send them after 4 p.m., she won't because she's "ignoring us.").

She did mention that she has trouble seeing, and I'm sympathetic to that. But if the vision problem was significant, I doubt she would have noticed that DD didn't draw "complete arrows" on number lines on her homework on day two. That's a fine detail. And of course, she made DD redo all those problems. Nor does vision explain the note on DD's homework saying an means one.

Taken as a whole, Ms. T.'s behaviors are making me wonder if the problem is hardwired. This makes it easier to understand and much harder to deal with.

So I'll go into the meeting and play detective/just listen. If she wants to put DD in the slower moving group, I'll have to be assertive, though. But when and how is the question there. Again, advice welcome.


Last edited by Val; 09/09/13 09:18 AM.