Do you think it is that these administrators genuinely believe that "high IQ doesn't mean gifted"?

Or is it that they are wary of outside testing-- maybe via being burned a few times by parents who 'shop' for "high enough" results? (We have seen that and definitely heard about a lot more of it.)

I realize that no scrupulous administration of a standardized tool like WISC should result in falsely elevated scores... but... what about unscrupulous administration?

Honestly, I simply SO don't see the point in that, but apparently there are parents who do. They seem to think that whatever means necessary to get "the label" will make it a self-fulfilling prophecy for the child's future.

So I guess I can see, if a district/school had been burned by that even once, they might be VERY suspicious of "outside testing" that didn't match up with in-house numbers-- regardless of the fact that those in-house numbers might be on a group achievement test.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.