Originally Posted by Val
They MUST be hothoused, because the alternative means that real differences exist.

Exactly. This is precisely the basis upon which both groups of parents in my own little corner of the world seem to operate.

We are envied by the TigerParents, because our child has clearly "responded well" to the KoolAid being poured at OUR house... and they speculate endlessly on our special water supply, reasons why maybe we're doing it all for her and it's not 'real' etc. etc. The alternative is too painful to face, for that group.

The GroovyParents assume the same thing, but interpret it differently-- as abusive parenting. Until they get to know us, that is, and realize that we aren't doing those things to our child, but are responding to HER evident needs... at which point these parents conclude that our child is probably a space-alien of some sort, but that hey, it's cool as long as it isn't contagious. LOL.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.