Originally Posted by KADmom
Oh wow. I totally understand.

Me, too.

And yes, my DD pushes the same boundaries-- frequently.

It wasn't until one parent (my DH) became completely disabled for a period of several months last year that she was sort of shocked into really putting forth any effort to do the right things even when I'm not watching over her. I totally lost it with her one afternoon when she had spent the day playing flash games instead of writing up an essay-- while I spent time dreadfully worried and discussing neurosurgical options and potential risks.

I told her in no uncertain terms that she was making my life HARDER than it needed to be, and I couldn't take it any more. She owed me better. I couldn't take care of my OTHER responsibilities if I had to be sheepdogging HER.

(Yes, I know-- probably not fair to dump that on a 12yo, PG or not. But that kind of filial duty and responsibility doesn't seem to have done the children of yesteryear so much harm, I figure...)

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.