Are you having to follow her around to verify that she's doing what she should? I am, honestly, just very tired. I'm working two p-t jobs, my dh is gone all the time and working weird hours when he is here so he goes to sleep before kids even start homework and leaves at 3 a.m, we have pets, a house, and I am juggling the schedules of six other people at my primary job to make sure that I don't put anyone into overtime.

If I tell dd that she cannot watch TV or needs to practice cello or take notes or whatever, if I don't actually stay in the same room as her and verify that she is doing or not doing what I told her, it doesn't happen. I am just feeling so wiped out that I don't have the emotional energy to nag her or spend all of my time in the same room as her monitoring that she is doing what she should be.

I'm really not trying to be lazy and realize that parenting involves more than just telling a kid to do something and expecting that it will happen. I totally attachment parented when they were little. I am just done and need her to pick some of it up and she is just pushing the limits and asking more of me than I have to give right now.