Cricket2, I'm on my phone this morning so I don't have the patience or typing skills to write a detailed response but fwiw, my gut feeling is its time for another private eval. You'll need to have one anyway soon if you'll be applying for college board accommodations... and I think that it would be useful in getting advice on dealing with dyslexic issues if they exist as well as helping you understand the source of your dd's EF struggles. It's possible that what you're seeing isn't ADHD.

Re building EF skills, I agree with HK. We've made good progress with our ds EF challenges by supporting him in building them basically one at a time in the manner HK suggests. We've had mixed success with his teachers - but the challenge there was simply a lack of recognition on the part of ds teachers that ds challenge was in any way more of a challenge than what a typical teen faces re organization, hence the teacher method was sink or swim without support.

I also would add that I think the potential reading issues and appropriate accommodations may be every bit as important to try to get a handle on now. We have quite a bit of suspected dyslexia in the adults in my dh family and some diagnosed dyslexia as well as other dys- syndromes among our children's generation. One of my ds cousins is I suspect both HG+ as well as undiagnosed dyslexic, and she compensated by putting in extra work reading for years but her compensating met its match on post-grad exams and work that were really important to her, and at that point as a young adult she had a very tough time getting accommodations for exams and she couldn't afford to fund an eval on her own. She didn't even realize herself that it might be dyslexia until her younger cousins were being id'd and diagnosed.
