Originally Posted by chris1234
To me, Mayer sounds like someone who assumes that without a B.S/M.S. from Stanford or equivalent school you will not be able to think. That idea in itself shouts 'not thinking' to me.

Mayer is also the one who built a nursery in her office, at her own expense, so she could continue working long hours. I'd say she's already established her misplaced priorities in life.

Originally Posted by chris1234
But as to school costs going through the roof, that is very very scary; I personally did the 'barely servicing' a loan thing, and balloon it did. Thankfully I have dealt with it, but it is just crippling a huge number of people financially unnecessarily.

Indeed. And the larger point is that, at double-digit annual increases and flat salaries, the model is not sustainable. We're already looking at college debt being the next economic bubble to burst.