While I can't say that my BA from a highly ranked uni made a huge difference nor did my Masters, I also can't say that I'd be better off without them and I really didn't graduate with a ton of debt. Of course, prices have gone up a lot. I do still think that it is well worthwhile to get at least a Bachelors degree in most instances.

My dh, on the other hand, regularly expresses his opinion that he wasted time getting a BA and would have been better off doing like one of his childhood friends and training to work in something more trade oriented. I don't think that he is influencing our oldest who is very directed toward a career that will require at least a Masters likely, but I worry about our youngest when he tells the kids that college is a waste of time and money.

Did you, perchance, see this segment on 60 minutes a year or so ago: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-18560_162-57436775/dropping-out-is-college-worth-the-cost/?tag=contentMain;cbsCarouselhttp:// ? I don't know that I agree with the premise, honestly, though for most people. I'm sure that there are people for whom no college education works fine if they have some really innovative idea, but they are in the minority and statistically speaking college educated folks make more money in the long run. I do think that there are kids who are not college material and who might do better with training in a field that did not require college, but most of our kids probably aren't those people.

Last edited by Cricket2; 03/05/13 08:53 AM. Reason: fix link (I hope!)