Hi marytheres,

I'm so glad you have a school psych that understands and cares about getting help for your ds - that's huge! I haven't looked at the website link, but fwiw I've found in our own journey, getting references from professionals who've known other families who've worked with other therapists has been *extremely* helpful and a reliable way of knowing who to turn to when you're spending the $ on private therapies.

Our dd who has the vision challenges also had some extreme sensory challenges when she was younger. Our dysgraphic ds also has a few odd sensory issues... which I think are probably, in his case, symptoms of dyspraxia. Even though it's not an officially recognized condition, sensory OT was very helpful for my dd, and I've used some of the things we learned through it with my ds also.

My one piece of advice would be to move forward with the neuropsych - even if the conclusions and recommendations are exactly the same as the school psych, the neuropsych evaluation will give you (at the least) a report that you'll need through the years as you advocate for your ds. It should also give you more testing to determine what's behind the dysgraphia etc, and it may help you understand better what is a sensory issue vs something else. Plus it will give you official clarity (in the report) re is it or isn't it ADHD - which has also been important to us, as we continue to run into school staff etc who think that the things that *look* like ADHD are ADHD simply because that's what they see more often and are familiar with.

Best wishes,
