Originally Posted by polarbear
his classroom has a very obvious "homework in" basket, a very set routine, kids come in, put take their coats and backpacks off, put their homework in the basket, teacher gives "reward" for homework turned in etc... ds couldn't complete that loop. There were so many examples of things at home that we had to remind him to do over and over and over again even though they were the same things each day. It was so amazing to me when his younger sisters just seemed to automatically catch on and do those same things for themselves.

Yup. THIS is it. This simple thing my DS can not do. I think to myself "this is preposterous - I could train my dog to this." Seriously. Why can't my child? Particularly a child who creates the most amazing stories and 'books' and has amazed people with his his speech, vocabularly and ability to articulate since he was 2. When he was in pre-school all the other children could do it after a few months - not my DS. I used to get so embarassed. Other parents would chat and wave as their child would do the routine. Not my kid, my kid was the only one (as far as I could see) that couldn't put his jacket away and folder in the basket. I was relieved in Kindie when I could just drop him off in the carpool line and not have to deal with this problem every morning. But of course the emails home would report it to me...it seems eventually an aid had to help him every morning. I figured after 2-3 years of having essentially the same routine he'd have it down by now... But, no. Note from teacher justy this week... no he can't do this on his own - she or an aid helps him. every day.

Last edited by marytheres; 02/15/13 11:33 AM.