It looks like the test was called "Test of Auditory Processing Skills - Third Edition" It included Number Memory Foward, Number Memory Reversed, Word Memory, Sentence Memory, Auditory Comprehension, Auditory reasoning, Memory and Cohesion. Not sure if that is for CAPD or not..

Wow you DD really sounds amazing! Sheer determination indeed! My son didn't push up until after 6 months (like right after). I was so relieved I took like 30 pictures. I didn't know then he had hypotonia (and of course didn't want there to be anyting wrong!) But he really worked hard on crawling, which he did at 7 months... However, he only crawled for three months.. he started walking at the end of 10 months. I really think some damage was caused when he stoppped breathing for a just a short time after birth.. I am not sure how long it was - it felt like forever but I don't knwo in terms of seconds/minutes...The doctors rushed him away... However, I am almost positive his father has dysgraphia so perhaps some genetics too.....