Originally Posted by marytheres
I am thinking I am going to take all of his testing and evals to a neuropsychologist and get her 'take' - so to speak.

Absolutely essential. (I thought you already had a neuropsych, or I would have recommended this earlier.) A school psych does not tend to know what a neuropsych knows.

Originally Posted by marytheres
And I do want him to do a WISC for the school psych in the spring so I can see if there is any improvement in working memory, processing speed and visual-spatial that I can maybe correlate with the year of OT twice a week and vision therapy.

Have the neuropsych do the WISC.

Originally Posted by marytheres
I was also thinking that over the summer he could do a program at one of those LearningRx places http://www.learningrx.com/main-line/.

I've never seen any evidence that this kind of program (or Brain Balance, etc.) works-- and there are a lot of people who say it's quackery. I have no firsthand knowledge of their prorgram, but I am skeptical.

My DS likes Lumosity ($100 a year for 5 people to subscribe), which seems to do the same kind of thing. We treat it as a video game, not as therapy, but we don't think it will hurt him.
