Polarbear - I looked up symptoms of dyspraxia here: http://www.dyspraxiausa.org/symptoms/early-symptoms/

And DS had none of the first 13 early symptoms... He has many of the others but the symptom "Lack of Imaginative Play," he definitely did not have ... In fact, pretty much all of his play was creative and imaginitive. It was his absolute favorite form of play from as early as he could actually "play." I spent countless hours as Ahsoka (our dog was Java the Hut) and DS was usually Anakin.... He LOVED dress up. I had to go out at Halloween time and stock up on costumes because I could never find dress-up clothes for boys any other time of the year and he loved them! I can't tell you how many times I had to answer the door in a power ranger or in a Star wars costume becasue we had to play dress up. He will pretend anything is something else to suit his imaginitive game - e.g., our bowling pins were often meteors or rockets. For years his action figures were his favorite toys (he still likes them) and he would play imaginitive games all day with them.
Did your DS not do imaginative play? He also is very cautious and dislikes leaving any tasks unfinished. Once he starts he likes to finish. he also always loved Legos but he never did care for puzzles... until recently now he likes them a more.

Anyway, perhaps that is why dyspraxia never really came up. He has many other symptoms though and he sounds a lot like your DS. So perhaps if that is what is going on he has only mildly.

Last edited by marytheres; 02/15/13 01:26 PM.