That was not a typical evening. It just happened that we had the two activites on the same night.

I don't think he was "stupid" to miss Scouts - he's the one who started calling himself "stupid" and got very upset about missing.

I said "hah" about the section leader not because it's a bad thing but because he is so disorganized at home that it is very hard for me to believe he can be so organized at school. I didn't tell him that - just congratulations.

HE doesn't want to drop ANY activities. In fact, he wants to add more. And, daydreaming is not a bad thing in general. It does hinder you, though, if you WANT to get to boy scouts and you spend your time daydreaming instead of getting done what needs to be done so that you CAN get to boy scouts.

Electronics: he has to have computer access to do much of his homework. At 8 pm, though, they go off, on school nights anyway.

I guess if he could do anything he wanted, he'd either play on the computer or read. We've actually "grounded" him from reading in the past. We have taken away electronics as a consequence and used elecronics as a reward but it never seems to make a difference.

I think he could finish the required coursework by just doing a lot of reading in those subjects. Which he loves to do. The Algebra would be the only thing that would have to be structured as he needs it for Algebra II next year.

It was just a thought that maybe a break would help things. I'm exhausted, he's exhausted.

I probably am overinvested but he's my child and he needs help. I'm trying to find ways to help him.

And, like I said in my first post, it was just an idea, not thought out in any sense. Like, "oh, he's got mono, maybe he needs to be out of school for a while" or "he's recovering from lyme disease, let him rest". If he's worn down from the stress and anxiety of his life, maybe he needs to rest.

Not saying it's a good idea. Just saying the thought occurred to me.

What I am is good enough, if I would only be it openly. ~Carl Rogers