I was reading where a few of you have pulled younger kids out of school to decompress and "unschool". If you've read my posts, you know we're having so much trouble with out son. Anxiety, fatigue, won't get things done, only wants to play on the computer, defiance. He can't get out of bed in the mornings.

He says he likes school and is challenged.

I'm wondering if maybe we should pull him out of school for a while with very few expectations on him? He's like a time-release time bomb - exploding a little at a time but with the big one yet to come. Or maybe like a coiled spring that releases just a little and then recoils. I don't know.

The minimum he'd have to do for schooling: finish Algebra I, do the required content for Social Studies, English, and Science. None of that should be too hard for him to do. The downside is that he wouldn't have anyone but me during the day, unless we temporarily joined a homeschool group. He might get bored. He'd probably be up at 6:30 every morning.

I just had this thought this morning so I'm not sure it's a good idea. I guess I'm just brainstorming. I would have a hard time selling it to both him and my husband. My son would really miss not playing in the band. We don't have partial homeschooling here, bummer.

We're looking into doing Neurofeedback therapy with him and possibly a dairy/gluten intolerance test (not having either for a month and then reintroducing one or the other) so not being in school for that time would be less hectic and stressful and we could do the NFT 3 times a week without him missing school. We have a neuropysch appointment in July.

How hard is it to pull out a 7th grader and then have him reenter in the fall as an 8th grader?

Just random thoughts about it at this point. I'm starting to think that the defiance and behavior issues aren't a diagnosable pyschological problem but exhaustion, stress, boredom, and depression. The psychiatrist is so sure it's ADHD that he won't discuss anything else so we are looking for a new psychiatrist.

Having him home would be very hard on me but it can't be much harder than what we are going through now. I feel badly posting another topic like this as I imagine that you are all thinking "what, her again, can't she give it a rest" or "what a pest" so I apologize if that's the case. I'm just so desperate and my IRL friends don't have a clue.

What I am is good enough, if I would only be it openly. ~Carl Rogers