Originally Posted by petunia
The minimum he'd have to do for schooling: finish Algebra I, do the required content for Social Studies, English, and Science.
That's not unschooling. If you've got problems with his behaviour at home and with him doing his homework efficiently, doing this is definitely not unschooling!

Originally Posted by petunia
I feel badly posting another topic like this as I imagine that you are all thinking "what, her again, can't she give it a rest" or "what a pest" so I apologize if that's the case. I'm just so desperate and my IRL friends don't have a clue.
Don't feel bad about it; it happens when someone's child is having a hard time.

But honestly, this sounds, to me, from what you've said, like a terrible idea. He says he likes school and is challenged there and doesn't (from what you said before) have behaviour problems there; he does have behaviour problems and trouble getting things done at home. Sorry to be flippant, but I think I'd be considering boarding school before I'd be considering homeed!

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