... and see, now I feel compelled to apologize on behalf of chemistry. wink

I actually have a hypothesis.

Mr. Teacher has sent me at least two dozen written messages over the years-- and not ONE of them was devoid of spelling/grammar/usage errors, often multiple errors. He has a marked preference for ORAL communication over written.

DD has two high school friends, both brothers, that she has known for years and years. They love this guy. They think he's awesome. He loves them, too. Guess who they dread/avoid/fear? Riiiiiiight-- Ms. English Barracuda. The one that LOVES my DD's thinking and writing.

DD says that brothers tend to have fairly "simplistic" writing/written analysis skills, in her opinion. This would explain why they aren't too fond of the Barracuda, for sure.

My hypothesis is that this particular teacher might have a disorder of written expression of some sort. That would explain his preference for VERY particular syntax and his aversion to my DD's more nuanced (and frankly slightly more sophisticated grammar, etc) writing style. I think maybe it's a pain in the neck for him to follow it.

I shared this particular hypothesis with my DD. Can't hurt, given her nature-- after all, this should help her in terms of being COMPLIANT with what the guy wants, and it should keep her from being too terribly resentful over it in the bargain.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.