well, here comes my update. We had our 3rd (last) session with the Pediatric psychiatrist and she said she doesn't believe he has ADHD ... I didn't think so either ... just some of this therapists did ... my opinion has always been it's "something else". She is recommending the Special Ed preschool and is saying PDD (forgetful me didn't ask if she actually means just PDD or PDD-NOS but I'll call her to make sure). Was saying she does believe he's on the spectrum though very highly functional as long as he has the right support (basically told me to continue doing what we're doing as it seems to be working for him) and she did say she'll refer us to a Developmental specialist if we want to find out more as to if it's Asperger's or other type of spectrum disorder ... they'd run all the tests, etc.
Anyone here with experience with developmental specialists / autism diagnosis .... would part of the developmental testing be IQ testing as well?

All in all, I am not surprised ... it's one of those mother's intuition things. Glad they are not agreeing on ADHD as I don't want the school to come a few years down the road and say we need to medicate our son because he's too much of a distraction but instead they'll have to work with us!

We're still waiting to do a speech evaluation (was supposed to have it done on Monday but the therapist had to reschedule for Saturday) to see if there's any issues with speech (there are a lot of times when I feel like he's not processing correctly what he's hearing)and then the psychiatrist will send an official letter to the school district with her recommendations.

But for now, it looks like we'll give the special ed preschool a try! If nothing else, it will make DS happy smile