master of none - last year when DS4 aged out of Early Intervention I did get him OT but denied anything else. He was supposed to get speech therapy through the school district but after the nightmare that ST was for him in EI I wasn't going to put us through that again. It wasn't just the therapist because he had a two different ones but it was the way ST is done that made his sensory problems even worse and while he got ST one day, he was impossible to deal with for another day or two. ... one of those times when I realized that less is more! I'm really at a point where I look at the therapy sessions as one hour block where I don't have to be the one answering all the questions and tending to all the needs. DS4 looks at it as his play dates and is happy. If I see he doesn't like it, I'm pulling him out. Which is what will most likely happen with his PT (really it's more like extra OT since it's mainly therapeutic play). The therapist is really knowledgeable and everyone things she's THE best, which she might be ... just not for my son. She is older, doesn't remember much and I think DS4 is extremely bored with her (unlike his main OT he's had for the last 12 months). This PT forgets what she did with him the week before (NOT a good thing with my son who remembers all they've ever done at ALL sessions! lol) ... does the therapy at a small 10 x 10 room with dimmed lights (while he needs to run ... can't really ask him to sit still on a couch for 60 minutes) ... so, overall I'm just getting really irritated and am trying to find a polite way to say we're done with that one! lol I'm thinking if I take him to a bounce gym where he can jump for 2 hours he'll get more PT from that than anything else smile

... on a side note. I have actually been considering going back to school to get an OT or ST degree (because I am really interested in the topic and because I see a lack of therapists who can think outside the box and not think that all children will respond to the mainstream therapies the same way) ... but having two business degrees, I would pretty much have to start from the very beginning and neither of these degrees can be done online, which is a huge deal breaker for me frown