Originally Posted by Mk13
Originally Posted by marytheres
Originally Posted by Polly
In some earlier preschools he would sit okay for a minute or two and then exhibit what I personally think of as normal for an energetic little boy forced against his will to listen to adults with fake happy faces singing songs or talking yet again about the weather (a subject that adults seem to be more interested in than most kids): leaning into a neighbor or standing up or wandering away or laying down and making snow angels on the carpet, talking, singing, just anything at all he could think of to avoid the desperate tedium of sitting still and quiet in one spot.

Oh my goodness - this made me laugh out loud. This is exactly how my son describes "circle time" Exactly ! He even mentioned the fake happy voice and big weird interest in the weather all of the time LOL. He wanted to know why no one else seems to notice how ridiculous it all is. laugh

oh, I can totally see DS4 doing the same when the time comes! lol He lost any interest in the weather 2 years ago! And I highly doubt he'll be willing and able to sit even for 1 minute. Most likely he'll just tell them loud and clear that he's bored and will walk away smile

The thing that gets a bit annoying most teachers/schools don't realize that this stuff is indeed mundane and boring for some... They are immediately like your child has a "problem." In my more assertive days (before I started schooling in the art of passive agressive way of the upper class suburbanite), I had said "well he has a point this stuff is kind of insipid - every day" And they just look at me... like they never even remotely considered that perhaps it is indeed boring! Last year my son had a problem with the books they were making him read for 100 book challenge... the books were so so boring for him. The school was all like "Your DS thinks theses books are boring, there is something wrong with him!" I look at all the books and I am like they are boring - couldn't you do any better thant this? LOL.

Sorry I digress! I just really appreciate it when someone else's child also notices this stuff!

Last edited by marytheres; 09/13/12 05:45 AM.