DeeDee ... I haven't seen the pre-school yet but am planning on taking a look first. But we're just a relatively small school district so there is I believe only two morning classes of about 10 kids maximum and one afternoon class of max 10 kids and some years they open another afternoon class for kids who age out of Early Intervention by January for the second semester. It's at two of the local elementary schools so basically looks like a kindergarten class but will a lower student vs. teacher ratio.

Friend of mine has her daughter in the class and they both love it but I'm pretty sure my friend loves it mainly for the fact she gets 3 hours with only one crazy kid rather than two! lol

But now when I think about it, maybe since it IS in the actual school building, the teacher might be willing to give my son something more difficult to work on to keep him focused rather than the basic that he will refuse to do? I guess that's something worth asking about too!